Simplified Chart from the Book "The Quran: Muhammad's Perpetual Miracle" Critically Evaluated.
(The numbers highlighted in red are divisible by 19.)
Sura # Initials Alif Lam Mim Ra Sou Ha Ta Sin Ha Ya Ain Qaf Nun Kaf TOTAL 2 ALM 4592 3204 2195 9991 3 ALM 2578 1885 1251 5714 7 ALMS 2572 1523 1165 98 5260+98=5358 10 ALR 1353 912 257 2522 11 ALR 1402 788 324 2514 12 ALR 1335 812 258 2405 13 ALMR 625 479 260 137 1364+137=1501 14 ALR 594 452 160 1206 15 ALR 503 323 99 925 19 KHYAS 26 168 345 122 137 798 20 TH 28 314 342 26 TSM 489 33 93 615 27 TS 27 93 120 28 TSM 461 19 100 580 29 ALM 784 554 347 1685 30 ALM 545 396 318 1259 31 ALM 348 298 177 823 32 ALM 268 154 158 580 36 YS 48 237 285 38 S 28 28 40 HM 389 64 453 41 HM 276 58 334 42 HM-ASQ 308 53 53 99 57 361+209=570 43 HM 317 45 362 44 HM 145 16 161 45 HM 200 31 231 46 HM 227 37 264 50 Q 57 57 68 N 133 133 Totals 17499 11780 8683 1235 152 304 107 387 482 582 221 114 133 137 41816
Deedat's Arithmetic Errors
All ALM | = | 26676 = 19 x 1404 (in fact 20052 is not divisible by 19). (We added Suras 2, 3, 29, 30, 31, 32, but excluded Suras 7 and 13, for they are ALMS and ALMR. ALMR was fitted in place arbitrarily for it could just as well have been put with ALR as ALM. All this we disregard as being fabrication.) |
All ALR | = | 9709 = 19 x 511 (This figure should be 9572 or, if Sura 13 is included, 10813, both not divisible by 19). Dr. K. expediently just adds the 137 R's of Sura 13, leaving out the A's and L's. |
All TS | = | 494 = 19 x 26 (All TS are in fact 120. If we were to include Suras 26 and 28, i.e. TSM, the sum would be 365, which again is not divisible by 19). |
All TSM | = | 1444 = 19 x 76 (Again the addition is wrong. This sum should be 1195, which is not divisible by 19). |
Deedat's Statistical Errors
Disregarding the totals we have 78 figures in the chart. Six of these are divisible by 19, i.e. the probability of this being so by chance is 1 : 1.46. This does not look like being miraculous and of divine origin. If we include all the totals the probability changes in favour of a miracle: 1 : 3.3. Not quite convincing yet, however. Mr Deedat worked it out as 1 : 626,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (626 Septillions).
Considering the expediency as well as the 'errors' in addition, we are quite suspicious about all the given figures, which, however, we are not equipped to check, as this would mean the counting of all letters in the Arabic Quran.
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